Happy New Year!

Mosaic Hair Group wanted to take this time to wish all of our valued clients a happy and healthy new year. None of this, of course could be possible without the hard work and dedication of our dynamic and fun loving team.

To recap 2017, it was a year of unexpected beginnings and ends. We started the year with the amalgamation of our two salons into one location at 1848 Avenue Rd, our flagship store. The decision to do so was the best way to combine all of our strengths, our great team and personalized service under one roof.

We then had the opportunity to get involved in great charities that have affected us all at some point in our lives. The first being the The Heart and Stroke foundation, who have saved millions of lives and improved the quality of lives for many people. We then ended with Santa Comes to Bay Street, a wonderful foundation in care of family’s who struggle during the holiday season. Thank you all who donated and who were involved in helping us reach our goals.

We then closed the year with an explosive 20th year anniversary party that had food, wine and entertainment at its very best. We are so blessed to have had this wonderful 20th year journey with incredibly loyal, utterly amazing and immensely dynamic people we can now call family.

So as we look to the future in 2018, we find ourselves evolving in finding innovative new products, exciting new services and recommitting to our core values of Team Success, Passion, Positive Attitude, Education, Modern Beauty and Environmental Responsibility. Our mission statement that speaks louder than ever is “We are a progressive team of highly trained professionals working together to create and maintain high quality personalized customer experience.”

Thank you all and have an incredible new year and remember “In life it’s not about the destination but the journey. Take the time to love more, be present more and most of all take care of your health and well-being”.

Your’s truly  

Peter Salituro, Robert Spizzirri & the Mosaic Hair Group team.

Some More Cool Projects


Packaging, Branding, Email Marketing, Affiliate Management